No one recognized Monica Belluci in Milan: She showed a new hairstyle at Dolce & Gabbana
Actress and sex symbol Monica Bellucci, wherever she appears, attracts a lot of media and public attention, and so it was yesterday in Milan.
The beautiful Italian woman appeared at the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show with a never-ending haircut, which surprised many of her fans.
Bellucci was expected to be the main star of Dolce & Gabbana's fashion show. She attracted attention in a classic white suit under which she wore a transparent black shirt that she wanted to highlight.
But it is interesting that there are few who recognized the actress at first. When the guests realized what it was all about, even her glossy styling came to the fore thanks to her new hairstyle.
In fact, Bellucci changed her image dramatically and opted for the popular, short bob that barely covers her ears. Long hair, which was her trademark, is now a thing of the past. But despite this, the actress has received many compliments at the expense of her new hairstyle.