Kim Kardashian was in the White House for help with former prisoners
Kim Kardashian West today resumed speech at the White House in which he expressed support for former prisoners and promoted their high-quality life after leaving the prison.
The American celebrity reality star and the law student have long been advocating for help to former prisoners. She spoke about the issue of criminal justice reform earlier in the White House.
Kardashian emphasized today a new program to facilitate the transportation of former prisoners when they went to interviews, business and other events, all in order to get to work as soon as possible and return to normal life.
American leader Donald Trump expressed support for Kardashian with a humorous statement: "I suppose it's pretty popular."
Last year, Kardashian convinced Trump to forgive 63-year-old wife Alice Marie Johnson, who served a life sentence without the condition of being released for release for a drug offense.
She also fought against the conviction of Cynn Brown, who as an adult was charged with the murder she had committed at age 16 when she killed a man who used her as a sex product.