Christian Bale lost as much as 35 pounds due to his role in the new movie
British actor Christian Bale has lost 35 pounds to star in a new movie. Although he delighted fans with the transformation, he still decided to stop losing weight because it was dangerous to health.
"I keep saying I'm done with that, but now I really think I'm done," Bale said.
For the latest Ford vs. Ferrari movie, Bale lost 35 pounds for the role of driver Ken Miles. His colleague Matt Damon is amazed at his transformations.
"I had fun watching him. He has the discipline of a monk because he transformed from Dick Cheney into this character. He had to lose 35 pounds, which is not easy," Matt said.
Although he jokingly kept saying that weight gain for the role of Cheney was easy, he still admitted that it was a difficult process.
"It's desperate. It's awful. If you lose weight, there is nothing but going to bed hungry and feeling desperate. Weight gain is another extreme. You completely lose discipline and devour yourself like a madman. I have to stop because it's not healthy for my body. I’m in my forties and it will be dangerous if I don’t become more aware of my own mortality, ”Bale said.
"I keep saying I'm done with that, but now I really think I'm done," Bale said.
For the latest Ford vs. Ferrari movie, Bale lost 35 pounds for the role of driver Ken Miles. His colleague Matt Damon is amazed at his transformations.
"I had fun watching him. He has the discipline of a monk because he transformed from Dick Cheney into this character. He had to lose 35 pounds, which is not easy," Matt said.
Although he jokingly kept saying that weight gain for the role of Cheney was easy, he still admitted that it was a difficult process.
"It's desperate. It's awful. If you lose weight, there is nothing but going to bed hungry and feeling desperate. Weight gain is another extreme. You completely lose discipline and devour yourself like a madman. I have to stop because it's not healthy for my body. I’m in my forties and it will be dangerous if I don’t become more aware of my own mortality, ”Bale said.